Lunaria Petrovna

OC Character Sheet

Lunaria Aya Petrovna

Luna, Luni, Rovna, Rova, Lun

Varies based on RP but she is much older than she appears due to being a kitsune.

Kitsune/shapeshifter sometimes human


Hair color:

Eye color:
Blue or different variations of blue

Number of Tails:

3 but can gain up to 5
Height: 5'5" (165.1 cm)

125 lbs (56.7 kg)

Father- Miklos Petrovna
Mother- Yasu Petrovna
Twin brother- Tatsumi Petrovna (Deceased)


Yamino Village

Princess (Chieftaain's daughter)

Best friend:

Jackilyn Chamele


Lunaria grew up in Yamino Village, also known as the "Village of Ice", a remote village located deep in the mountains. She is the crown princess of the village but has no desire to rule. She hates the formalities that come with the title and just wants to be seen for who she is.

She has a close bond with her family, especially her brother Tatsumi.

Lunaria lost her brother to poachers when they were just about to come of age. They'd been playing in the snow when she got caught in a hunter's trap. Tatsumi turned into his human form and saved her at the cost of his life. Tatsumi's ghost still follows her around until one who is worthy of Lunaria's hand steps up.

After her brother's death, Lunaria leaves Yamino village, never looking back. She misses her parents but can't find the strength to return.

Lunaria still travels with Jackilyn to this day, but they have dtopped the princess and body guard roles and tavel as best friends.

◇Lunaria can play the piano but doesn't like being watched by strangers.
◇She can hold a grudge and has it in for Jackilyn's Ex.
◇She is skilled in Ice magic and minor healing magic but gets fatigued easily.
◇Has a blessed blade named Etix that Jackilyn had forged and gave to her as a gift
◇is not fond of religion
◇is the god mother to Lola, Jackilyn's daughter
◇Has a familiar named Tamao
◇highly intelligent and curious. Is a bookworm
◇shy won't always make the first move
◇Pansexual woth no lean
◇Ironic sense of humor
◇Adores children and animals
◇Has a strong maternal instinct

♡Lunaria is a multi-ship account but I will only ship if there is strong chemistry
♡Lewd is earned and done only with ship in DMs. I'd rather build up to lewd instead of jumping straight into it
♡I will only ship or lewd with characters over the age of 20. I will not ship with a character that is a minor.


♧If you interact with me, know that I will be times where I will be slow to reply.
♧All ships are RP only. I'm dating IRL. I do like making friends.
♧I will match detail to the best of my abilities, but I can't always do long posts. I'd rather give thoughtful responses than gibberish.
♧This rule concerns Minors, I will RP with a character who is a minor but will not ship with a minor. If I RP with a character that is a minor, it's as a maternal manner.
♧If you aren't interested in interactions with me or wish to drop an SL just let me know. I try to be understanding
♧I will not do an SL that requires me to change Lunaria's personality. What you see is what you get.
♧My DMs are open for chatting or plotting. I am a nice person.


☆@SamuraiYayoi- Lunaria's ray of Sunshine. She will protect him with her life if need be. She wants to help him achieve his dreams and actually shares the same dreams.

☆☆I will add more ships as they happen☆☆

( Made with Carrd )